How Do You Protect Your Car Interior

How do you keep your car clean? Taking it for a car wash at least once a week can keep it looking clean from the outside. But how about the interior of your car, how do you keep it clean?

If you add up the time you spend inside your car in a week, you might be surprised that it would equal to the amount of time you spend at work in the office. In fact, it is evident in the interior of your car that you use it every day with the scratches on the car seat as well as the mud smudges stuck in between the crevices of the floor mat.

Luckily, it only takes a little more cleaning done a little more often than you’re used to get the car interior looking like brand new. First, you have to work on sorting the things you put inside the car. Which ones are trash and which ones are for the house to keep?

There are a few things you may want to leave inside the car too. Get the trash out and keep them out for good. If you want, you can keep a small trash bin inside the car where you and the kids can throw their trash while on the road. Remember to take it out when you reach your destination.

Second, the idea of keeping a rag to wipe the dust particles off the leather seats and the interiors may be a good decision too. Especially when you have kids, you want to make sure that all those cookie and cake crumbs are collected and wiped off the seats after every ride.

If not, they could call on the ants, making your car the new place where ants can build their colony in. The idea is to make cleaning the interior a bit easier, especially when you’ve got the cleaning rug within reach.

Lastly, is it possible to keep your car interior weather resistant? Sandy feet during the summer and the mud when it rains can make a huge mess in the car interior. If you are used to driving around all year round dealing with sand, mud and snow, then you should consider getting all-weather floor mats.

Not only are these mats easy to clean, but they could keep the muck in one place and not all around the car. Make sure to use a sunshade on the windshield too. Not only will they keep the car cool, but they could help keep the car interior looking brand new.

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