What are the Worst Things that can Happen to Your Car during Winter?

driving in winterDuring the cold winter months, there are many things that can go wrong. There might be too much snow in your driveway which can make it difficult to get out of your garage. The road may be slippery which requires you to add some care into your driving, no matter how much in a hurry you are.

But what are the absolute worst things that you need to prepare for this winter season?

1. Your windshield wipers won't work anymore.

The ice can make your windshield wipers freeze, causing them to get stuck up. Even if they do move, if there's too much snow on your windshield, the wipers may not even work at all! Imagine how dangerous it is driving around with zero visibility because your wipers can't remove the snow on your windshield. This is why you need to protect your windshield and windows during winter.

2. Your tires will lose pressure.

The low temperature can reduce the pressure in your tire up to one PSI every -10 degrees F. This means if the temperature dropped from 50 to 40 degrees F, it's time to visit the gas station or mechanic for a tire inspection. You should also carry a portable tire air pump wherever you go.

3. Your fuel tank may freeze.

This particularly happens when you let your fuel go near empty. When the tank become almost empty, the crystals inside it may freeze, creating ice that can cause problems in your engine. Always keep your fuel tank at least half full. The more fuel there is in it, the less chances of freezing.

4. Your fluids may also thicken and freeze.

Although most car fluids don't technically freeze, you should still inspect them. Your brake fluid, engine oil, radiator fluid, and coolant may all thicken which will make it hard for your engine to work optimally. It's a good idea to keep your car in a warm place like a heated garage. Leaving it in the snow for hours on end will aggravate this problem.

5. Your battery may die.

This is by far the worst. No one wants to end up getting towed in the middle of a snow storm. Your batteries lose voltage in cold temperatures, especially if it's more than three years old. Experts suggest replacing your car battery once every three years and doing it before winter arrives to ensure that your battery doesn't suddenly die in the middle of the road.

These things will surely make you want to take care of your car better. And don't forget to keep it always clean despite the snow with KevianClean Quick Wax!

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