Advanced Waxing: The Unknown Tips to Waxing

As a motorist, you know already the drill when it comes to waxing. You should do it with thinly spread layers that you should let dry and buff first before applying another layer. You shouldn't do it on wet surfaces or dirty ones.

Waxing and buffing is different from polishing, which is something that waxing actually protects like a protective layer of cellophane while adding an extra gleam to your paint finish a la the clear coat skin in modern car paints. With that said, here are some tips that are usually left out when it comes to waxing your car.

The Neglected Tips When You Wax

  • The Proper Regimen When Doing Vehicle Aesthetic Car: Wax when you need to. By now, you're aware that waxing isn't necessary like in the 1970s because of the dawn of clear coat. Clear coat allows you to wash and get a shiny coat when you're done without waxing. However, on that note, you shouldn't bath your car in tap water too often to avoid mineral buildup that hand-drying can't reach. You should put on just enough water then wax to double your clear coat defense.
  • Clean Other Car Areas as Your Wax Dries: After applying your wax, clean the other areas of y our car like its interior or windows so as not to waste time waiting for it to dry. This helps a lot when it comes to time management. The wax can be removed with a microfiber towel or washing mitt when you're buffing it out afterwards. This is because rags or towels might end up ruining the surface due to these cloths becoming like sandpaper when microscopic grit sticks on them.
  • Apply Touch-Up Paint to Lingering Scratches and Paint: Colored wax helps hide scratches but they're not enough to fix them. In order to truly make even a decade-old car brand new without going to a car detailer and paying thousands of dollars for their work, buy touch-up paint to deal with nicks, scratches, chips, and peeling paint on the sides of your car. Naturally, dents can only be fixed by a detailer. No amount of touch-up paint or wax can fix that.
  • Separate Your Microfiber Applicators and Buffers: Cross-contamination is a real fear when it comes to cleaning out your car. What you use to apply the wax shouldn't also be used to buff it up. Even though microfiber is so absorbent it actually sucks up dirt right into it so that its surface doesn't turn into some sort of sandpaper over your finish, it's better to err on the side of caution and just use different towels instead of using one towel and defeating the purpose of applying wax on your car.

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