Cleaning Oil Stains on Car Paint

Oil stains on your car are problematic for its finish, especially after you've just gotten it fixed and the oil spills came from all the work done on your vehicle. However, cleaning them is even more complicated.

You need to take the weather into consideration. If you use the wrong pH combination of cleaner on your oily dirt and soil, you might end up setting the oil unto your vehicle's surface by scorching its outside layer then blocking the surfactants and solvents from doing their job.

You need environment-friendly, residue-free cleaners like KevianClean Car Wash Shampoo in order to simplify the job of cleaning your car regardless of the environment, climate or weather, and the type of soil that's soiling your ride.

Recommended Cleaners for Cleaning with the Right pH

  • Apply Low pH Presoak Before The High pH Presoak: Low pH presoaks are commonly applied first before the high pH one. This is because the strength and cost of an acid presoak means you might as well use it to get rid of a certain type of soil. It's also cheaper and more practical to have the alkaline presoak cover the acid presoak and move the pH from low to high. This is because going from high to low sets the stain in, as discussed above.
  • Use the Two-Step Cleaning Method for an All-Around Clean: To avoid having to alternate between low and high pH chemicals depending on the weather and the type of soil, you can avail of cleaners that have a two-step cleaning method. Some cleaners out there use two pH extremes in presoak application. This means that it's capable of cleaning both types of soil in multiple types of climates. Such cleaners use the acid presoak followed by an alkaline presoak over two passes.
  • Car Washes Lack These Chemistries: Many or even the majority of carwash companies operating at present lack adequate levels of these opposite chemistries. This limits their effectiveness in cleaning out various types of soil. Their cleaning fees might be too high because they focus too much on neutralizing the first presoak compared to simply investing in a first presoak that includes an alkaline stage of cleaning.
  • Make Sure You're Dealing with Carwash Experts: Ask the carwash you're dealing with if they're using low and high pH presoaks when cleaning cars or if they're plain carwashes who only use soap, water, and elbow grease for wiping off hard stains. Make sure you're getting your money's worth and you're talking to people who know how to use both alkaline and acid presoaks and understand the pros and cons behind both.

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