DIY Carwash Tips and Tricks

When washing your car, there are many ways you can go about making it clean and keeping it that way. For example, when removing your bumper sticker cleanly without the sticky residue, you can wipe it off with alcohol or vinegar to remove it completely from your windshield or back window.

Also, when it comes to cleaning or restoring our license plate that's starting to corrode, you can spray it with WD-40 then wipe it down with a clean rag or microfiber towel. This is an effective way of removing rust on the surface while preventing more corrosion from spreading. Furthermore, it won't leave a greasy feel.

Be Smart About Maintaining Your Car

  • License Plate Theft Guard and Paint Rub Strain Removal: Cleaning isn't the only way to keep your car in one piece. You can also find ways to prevent license plate theft like using screws that need a special security wrench to remove. These come with kits included. Furthermore, you might end up with paint rub stains or the paint job of another car once you're sideswiped by it. In order to remove such stains, you can spray the area with WD-40, wait a few seconds, and then wipe the area clean. It works like a charm!
  • Clearing Cloudy Headlights with Pantyhose and Window Cleaner: Are your headlights looking a bit cloudy? Apply window cleaner on them and then rubbing vigorously with an old pair of pantyhose for good measure. You can also make your own window cleaner by mixing two tablespoons of white vinegar or ammonia with two quarts of warm water. You can also mix a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent with a pint of 70% rubbing alcohol and half a cup of ammonia before adding water to make a gallon of liquid.
  • Cola Rust Spot Remover and Sock-Based Car Mitt: If there are small rust spots on the chrome of your vintage car, you can remove them by dipping a crumpled piece of aluminum foil in cola then rubbing it over the chrome. It surprisingly works! Also, if you lack a wash mitt and your hand is cramping up holding the soap sponge, you can use your old soft socks as a hand mitt for car washing and cleanup. You can even use it with the KevianClean Carwash Shampoo if you so wish. It's also a handy buffer when you wax your car.

When DIY Cleanup Fails Go with the Pros

On the other hand, you can also maintain your paint finish, chrome shine, and plate integrity with a regular dosage of the ever-reliable KevianClean Carwash Shampoo. Just keep all that dustiness away with the appropriate amount of shampoo and cleanups every week.

You don't want the dust and dirt to end up bonding with your vehicle by removing them post-haste. Of course once contaminants and pollutants do bind with your finish, you'll need the automotive clay bar treatment.

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