Car upholstery is one of the most sensitive parts of the car interior. Keeping it looking brand new all the time takes much time and effort. You simply could not wipe off the dirt and the stains and that’s it. Cleaning and maintenance of the car upholstery takes more than just that.
Window Tint
Window tinting is very important in keeping the car upholstery looking good for a long time. Since leather materials can be very sensitive to sudden change of temperature, it is a must that you have good car window tint to keep the light out.
Its exposure to extreme temperatures especially the harsh heat of the sun can be very damaging. You must consider getting a darker tint if the one you have is toot light. Dark tints helps keep the UV rays out and your car upholstery protected.
Cover the Windshield
Windshields should also be something that you should consider. Covering the windshield should help keep the leather upholstery in good condition for a long time. Windshields tend to provide more protection from the harsh rays of the sun because the glass used to manufacture this part of the car has layers of protection to protect the driver and the rest of the car interior as well. A less expensive car tint would be required for the windshield.
Use a Leather Cleaner
Leather upholstery is not only sensitive to the heat during summer months. They also need protection from the cold winds of winter. How do you keep them protected? It is important to use a leather cleaner that is specifically made for leather seats of the car interior.
Our Leather Cleaner does the cleaning and more. Every time the leather is cleaner is applied, it does its job of cleaning that part of the interior. However, in the process, it also provides another layer of protection to keep the leather seats stronger for the harsh winds and the cold temperature.
Professional Detailing
Professional car interior detailing is also a must to protect car upholstery. It doesn’t have to be as often because it can be quite expensive. You can have this done once or twice a year. Professional cleaning should help reduce the dust that makes the leather car seats sensitive to breaking and peeling. Keep it clean at all times and you won’t have to worry about needing car upholstery work done soon.