How to Repair Worn Leather

Leather material is considered to be strong, durable, and long lasting. However, it is also susceptible to wear and tear. It can crack, peel, and become discolored. The best way to take care of leather is to maintain and protect it from harsh elements that affect its condition.

You can follow these tips on how to repair worn leather.

  1. Gently wipe-off the leather with warm water and soap to eliminate dirt, oils, and molds. This will eradicate all elements that may hinder the restoration process. Make sure you use a damp clean cloth which is not soaked wet.
  2. Dip the cloth in KevianClean Leather Cleaner and rub the worn area. Start with small portions and work your way up to the bigger areas. This will open the pores of the leather. Afterward, let it dry completely.
  3. Apply rubbing alcohol using a clean cloth and scrub the surface to make sure that no residues are left.
  4. For leather furniture and car seats, sand off the damaged area delicately so that the leather will be able to absorb the leather solution properly.  Don’t scrub too hard because it will peel off the material.
  5. Place a thin coat of leather repair solution on the damaged and surrounding area to even out the color and spots. Let the area dry out completely in between applications. Repeat this process around 4 times until you are satisfied with the result.
  6. Dampen a clean cloth with rubbing alcohol and scrub it softly on the repaired area.  
  7. In case needed, apply a thin coat of dye colorant on the worn area using a foam applicator. You can put a second or third coating as you please. However, make sure each application is left dry before you proceed with another coating. Let the final coating dry for 24 hours.
  8. Lastly, apply KevianClean Leather Conditioner to the repaired area as well as the portion surrounding it. It will seal and protect the leather material from dryness and other risk factors.
  9. For leather boots, clean the shoes with saddle soap and lather it to get rid of excess dirt. Clean up all residue with a cloth and let it dry.
  10. Use a moisturizer to keep the surface smooth. The conditioner may darken the color of the leather.  Rub it gently and wipe off what’s left.
  11. Let the moisturizer soak in the leather overnight. Afterward, you can dab mink oil to the surface of your boots. Scrub off the excess oil and let it sit overnight.
  12. You can buff the surface with a cloth to make it shiny and new.

Now that we’ve identified the steps on how to repair worn leather, it is up to you on how you will take good care of your leather products. You can prevent your leather goods from cracking up quickly by following a regular maintenance.

Leather products need our tender loving care and it is always best to use KevianClean Leather Cleaner & Conditioner to protect your leather from harmful elements while maintaining its good condition.

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