You'd think waxing should be a piece of cake, but in between 1980s to today, something happened. Generation X and Millennials forgot how to wax on and wax off. This is because it was around the Eighties that clear coat paint was invented. This allowed cars to retain a wax-like shine from carwashes alone.
There's no absolute need to get a wax job on your car every time you take it to the carwash for a cleaning. Washing it is enough. Therefore, it's the intention of this article to teach the new generation of Nineties Kids and New Millennium Kids what car waxing is all about.
The ABCs of Waxing Your Car
- Clean Your Applicator: Few things ruin your wax job absolutely like a dirty applicator. It must be cleaned after every wax session if you wish to reuse it for waxing purposes in the future. You can use detailer spray or water to mist it up then squeeze or pat it dry on a clean towel in order to get rid of wax residue before you put it into storage. It also makes it softer and suppler before use with your wax.
- Apply a Thin Layer of Wax: Some first-time wax appliers have a disturbing tendency to lay it too thick. Wax, that is. This isn't only wasteful; a thick wax layer won't help make your car shiny. Truth be told, it will just increase your efforts in buffing it off since the residue will have to be buffed to a shine anyway. It's better to be more productive and efficient with your wax application by making every last dollop count than waste it all with extra-thick spreads.
- Finesse in Application: You don't just spread the wax willy-nilly. You instead have to learn how to apply the wax evenly with subtle pressure and a high degree of finesse. Either that or you should find a pro car dealer who can apply your wax expertly. Too much force on your paint can be unkind to your finish and its clear coat. It can even dent your panels if you're not careful. This is because today's mass-produced vehicles use thinner sheets of metal.
- Circular Strokes That Go from Panel to Panel: Expert wax application is all about panel-to-panel waxing in thin layers. Instead of putting on the wax on the entire car in one go, it's better to go one panel at a time, like creating a jigsaw puzzle. Allow the wax to dry to a light haze for a couple of minutes before you start buffing. For additional protection, you can double the wax with another thin layer rather than caking the wax on your car.