When cleaning and maintaining your car, there are certain things you should ask your mechanic. For example, ask him if there's something wrong with your car if it's emitting a lot of exhaust. You should definitely inquire about the environment-friendliness of your refrigerant or coolant (it might be a banned substance that ruins Mother Nature).
If it's not, you should replace it with the right cooling agent that's state-approved as ecologically safe then just-as-safely get your old coolant sucked up and processed at the right processing plant for proper disposal.
Your mechanic should know the details in regards to this. He'll tell you want to do. Also ask him where you can take your car fluids, oil filter, and used oil for recycling for good measure.
Car Maintenance the Clean and Green Way
Not As Technical As You Think: Many of the car maintenance tips and recommendations you can gather are quite common sensical rather than something only your mechanic knows to fix by himself.
Maintaining your car requires processes that ensure cleanliness of the car from the inside out (the chassis and paint to the oil that needs changing as well as the A/C system that might be clogged full of dust). It also requires monitoring your car's mechanical performance.
Optimizing Your Car: You need weekly or biweekly car washes and checks on tire pressure and water levels just as often. You should put on a scheduled basis any inspections or tune-ups you might want to do with your car to make sure it's in top condition. Every car part should be conditioned to run optimally, even if it's a sensor that does the monitoring for you (which is found many of the modern cars at present).
Beginners Take Note: If you're a first-time owner of a car then ask the sales agent of the dealership you bought your car from about the maintenance cycle of your make and model of vehicle.
This will assist you in taking care of the car once you've bought it or choosing another car in case that the car you have your eye on is more high-maintenance than you can handle. Having a car is a responsibility and an investment that you shouldn't take lightly at all. Be proactive and responsible in taking care of your vehicle.
The initial investment you put in your car makes it a liability at first. However, you can transform it into an asset by taking good care of it and ending up with something that lasts longer than indicated by manufacturers (typically more than 10 years).
Expensive vintage cars can fetch the pretty penny. Aside from that, you want to get the most out of your investment and save up enough money for any new car in the horizon (fully electric cars or self-driving cars, perhaps).