Harsh environmental elements like sand, dust, road salt, snow, sleet, rain, and what-have-you can prevent your car's paint job from prematurely aging. Aside from wax, you can use paint sealant or paint protectant.
You shouldn't depend on your paint's clear coat as the sole protective layer that shields your car from harm. This clear paint is merely there to protect your color coat while adding depth in terms of shininess. It also allows you to get away with washing your car without applying wax, but it can only work to a certain extent.
This translucent paint needs as much protection as the older single-stage paints of the past. You still need wax to ensure double the protection.
More About Wax, Sealant, and Protectant Info
- The Paint Protection Category: Wax like KevianClean Quick Wax as well as paint sealants and paint protectants all belong in the paint protection category. Although some products do a better job of safeguarding your car's finish than others, they all do the same job of preventing premature oxidation deterioration by adding a protective cover or layer over your vehicle. Car wax is actually the old-school way of protecting your car.
- Car Waxes versus Paint Sealants: Paint sealants and car waxes are essentially the same. They're coatings applied to car paint finish to protect it from nature while providing a wet-look shine. They mostly differ in formulation. Paint sealants use more synthetic compounds made through acrylic or polymer resins or a mix between natural and synthetic. Car waxes mostly refer to natural waxes like Brazilian carnauba or beeswax.
- Polishing versus Waxing: Before you wax your car you need to polish it first. In turn, before you can polish your car, you need to wash it first. So cleaning your car entails washing, polishing, drying, and then waxing in that order. Your wax adds to the shine left by the polish but it won't give you the wet-look shine alone without first polishing your car with the right compound. Some newbie motorists confuse waxing and buffing a car with polishing it. No, polishing, waxing, and buffing are completely different and separate processes.
- How to Properly Polish Before Applying Wax: When polishing, you should keep the area wet. You should also use enough polishing compound for each panel. Don't use too much or too little. You should also rinse off the foam pad of your wheeling machine with a hose to prevent it from becoming gummed up or saturated with compound. After polishing, apply the wax or wash the car again before applying the wax. The wax can hide streak marks left by the polisher, especially if you use wax that's the same color as your paint.